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Use of flexion and extension forces

6.1.3 Release pressure with flexing and extending

The most comfortable way to change edges is when we can release some of the pressure off the snowboard during the turn. This is done via an extension or flexion movement. At first glance, it is confusing that we can take the weight off the snowboard with both movements.

For this module you should already know.
6.1.1 Bend your knees
Already checked? Let's continue with.
6.3 Flexion turn skidded6.2 Extension turn skidded

What do extending and flexing mean?

When we stretch, we move from a low position to a higher position. In other words, we straighten our knees a little. When we flex, we do exactly the opposite. We move from a higher to a lower position. These movements are often very measured and adapted to the environment. So you don't have to go from fully stretched to fully flexed to feel the effect on the snowboard.

Releasing pressure via a extending movement

When we stretch before the edge change, we first increase the pressure on the snowbaord and then the pressure is reduced again for a moment by releasing the stretch. You can imagine this like a jump. Before you jump off, the pressure between your feet and the ground first increases and then decreases again just before you jump off. The stretching movement does not have to be extreme, a small and calm impulse is usually enough to take the pressure off the snowboard.

Releasing pressure via a flexing movement

If we are already in a flexed position and are stretching, the pressure on the snowboard is reduced. You can imagine this by just standing there and rapidly pulling your legs up. The pressure between your feet and the ground will also decrease. Again, it is all about the difference in pressure up to the point of the edge change. This can also be helpful on an uneven surface, by not waiting until there is a bump, but by pulling your legs up as a precaution.

Use flexion or extension for more dynamics

In short, you now have two options for snowboarding more dynamically. You can either change the edge in a low or high position. Find out more about this in the following modules 6.2 Extension turn skidded and  6.3 Flexion turn skidded


Next steps

For this module you should already know.
6.1.1 Bend your knees
Already checked? Let's continue with.
6.3 Flexion turn skidded6.2 Extension turn skidded

Check your skill

Following skills are required to be ready for the next module.

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Private one-day course<br>  First turns in one day

Private one-day course
First turns in one day

Want to learn to snowboard? Right now? Then come to our private day course for beginners in Flumserberg. During four lessons we will go through all the steps up to your first turns.

Ski resort : Flumserberg
Price: 375.00 CHF

2h private course<br> Beginner & Advanced

2h private course
Beginner & Advanced

In the 2-hour private course in Flumserberg we can support you according to your needs, whether you are a first-time skier or an intermediate rider.

Ski resort : Flumserberg
Price: 190.00 CHF
