Course content for carving, from skidded carving turns
If you've only just started snowboarding, you've probably always been doing skidded turns until now. Learn here how to start riding directly on the edge, which is called carving.
Where and how best to learn to carve?
The best time to learn to carve is during the quieter days when there is not too much going on and on a relatively flat and wide slope. Many of the smaller ski areas with T-bar lifts are suitable for this, as there are usually fewer people on the slopes at the same time.
🤓 Prerequisites
The prerequisite for carving is a skidded turn without jerky movements. Carving is relatively easy to learn with a good foundation, but perfection is definitely a challenge.
Chapter 1
Basic Carving
What does carving actually mean? You can find out more about this and how to make your first carved basic turns here.
Chapter 2
Dynamisches Carven
One of the most important aspects of snowboarding is using your knees dynamically to do up and down unweighted turns. Find out here how to do this and what the benefits are.
Chapter 3
Tiefer carven
If you already have your knees under control when carving, it's relatively easy to make a deep Eurocarve over the frontside edge. Give it a try and become the hero of the slopes!